Bun + Oven Groups
Be connected with women at a similar time in their pregnancy. In small groups of 5-12 women you will meet with the midwife to answer questions and learn about the changes happening to your body. As your pregnancy develops you will be able to bring a support person to the last 3 sessions to learn all about labour, birth and what to expect in the first few weeks of being a new family.
Once all members have delivered we will gather to debrief and share experiences to help minimise uncertainty, reduce perceptions of trauma and meet the new additions to the team.
How are the groups allocated?
Women will be from 6-12 weeks pregnant when starting in a new group.
This allows the midwife to focus on key milestones in your pregnancy and ensure you feel supported in a group environment where women are at a similar stage to you.
If you do not fit the timing of the next group please contact us directly.
Session One - 8 weeks pregnant
Clinical dietary recommendations
Hormonal changes
Anxiety management
Communication tools
Session Two - 12 weeks pregnant
Models of care options
Session Three - 16 weeks pregnant
Mental health
Pelvic floor health
Diet + exercise
Session Four - 20 weeks pregnant
Baby movements
Session Five - 26 weeks pregnant
Enjoying your pregnancy
Myth busters
Early parenting
Session Six - 30 weeks pregnant (first session to bring along support person)
Normal labour + birth
Stages of labour
Session Seven - 33 weeks pregnant
Pain relief options in labour
Body changes
Potential complications in labour + birth
Session Eight - 36 weeks pregnant
Getting ready for bub
First few weeks of parenthood
Session Nine - mum + baby
Come together as new parents with your new bundle to recap the incredible journey you have all embarked on together
Debrief + reflection of birth experience
Breastfeeding and postnatal support session
Highlight resources and support services available to all
The stages of pregnancy above act as a guide to the outline of the program.
The brief outline gives you an idea of topics that will be discussed in detail at the sessions.
PLEASE NOTE: If the minimum participants are not met then the group cannot go ahead and a full refund will be given.